
Your Concept

Hart Biologicals is a leader in haemostasis and coagulation, with a global network of distributors stretching from South America to Asia. We provide contract manufacturing services to a number of business partners across the continents. 

At Hart Biologicals, we recognise the importance of agility and responsiveness, and we respond quickly to our partners' needs, devoting our skilled teams to project execution as they progress. Our state-of-the-art facilities and quality driven systems deliver results every time. 

We know that each customer has a unique need or problem that we address on an individual basis. We collaborate with our partners to provide highly personalised support, assistance, and advice.

Our solution-driven Research and Development team, comprised of expert scientists, will collaborate with you to define your problem, find a solution, and identify your specific project requirements. We have built on years of haemostasis knowledge, multidisciplinary expertise and practical skills across our in-house teams. We can produce a reliable, innovative product, reagent or kit that fulfils your needs and we can provide the tools for comprehensive assessment of all potential platelet disorders and requirements.

If you have a concept that you need to develop or a fully-fleshed prototype, Hart Biologicals can help you with your journey from the product to the market.

We welcome opportunities to collaborate in the development of any new concepts in the ever-expanding area of in-vitro diagnostics.